What They Say

Tom Myers, author of Anatomy Trains and Fascial Release for Structural Balance

Mary Bond, author of The New Rules of Posture: How to Sit, Stand and Move in the Modern World

I am confident this book will be a useful manual for yogis—both beginners and more seasoned practitioners recovering from injuries. Michaelle is performing a really useful and courageous service by bringing attention to this information. I am amazed to see how much yoga has become a “sacred cow,” not to be questioned.”
Kathleen Porter, Natural Posture Solutions

I appreciate Michaelle Edwards showing me a safe and effective way to practice yoga. I highly recommend her YogAlign® style of yoga with its emphasis on neuromuscular balancing, natural spine alignment and core breathing.”
Laird Hamilton, athlete, big-wave surfer

Shiva Rea

Erich Schiffmann, author of YOGA: The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness

Mariel Hemmingway

Rochelle Ballard, Professional Surfer, YogAlign® Instructor, and Bodyworker
I found you online while researching how to modify yoga postures for back and SI pain. I purchased your book and have found your yoga practice more helpful than acupuncture, massage and chiropractic work. I’m sure you have heard that before. I am an acupuncturist and therefore treat back and SI pain often.
Julie Kay Licensed Acupuncturist
I appreciate your disseminating this information to the public. I was injured by Yoga. At age 44 (I am now 58) in my Yoga class I was in the seated forward bend pose. When I reached for my toes I heard a loud “POP”. I immediately lost range of motion and felt pain. It was a morning class, which I’ve read our backs can be more vulnerable. The lost range of motion continued with the pain. I had never sustained any back injury until this time. I was a ballet dancer for many years when young and am very flexible (which you point out can be a detriment). Thanks again for your work and dedication to get this information to the public.
Sylvia Jones
Even though I am a yoga teacher and have taken certifications with the top teachers in the US, I began to feel a lot of pain in my hips and legs and was no longer able to do long walks or hiking. I was concerned that I would not be able to keep practicing and worried that I may be teaching yoga poses in a way that might be hurting others too. Then I found one of your articles and something clicked and I realized that the forward bends and other yoga poses might be the reason for the pain. I signed up for 10-day certification and I want to thank you so much for an amazing two weeks in Kauai studying YogAlign. I can’t believe the changes in my body in just the three weeks since I started learning the practice with you. I really didn’t expect there to be so much difference right away, but I am back to walking for miles again, feeling strong and supported from within. I had been in pain, with my movement compromised, from early January until mid-October and now that time seems like a distant memory.
Chris Howell nurse and YogAlign teacher
Michaelle Edwards is, in my mind, a heart-centered genius! Her expertise combined with her passion to help people are a blessing to all who are in pain and wanting to heal, and to all who are ready to evolve in their yoga practice. I was in both categories. Since working with Michaelle, constant pain in both knees, SI and hamstring pain are all gone, while chronic neck and shoulder tension are greatly diminished. I have been practicing yoga for 40 years, and teaching for 35. I became hyper-flexible and too loose in all my joints. I had been struggling with these aggravations without connecting the dots for far too long. I understand now how my asana practice was the cause of my pain. I have completely altered my practice to implement YogAlign methods and am now pain free while having developed a deeper core strength than ever in my life! Students in my classes are all giving similar testimonies, exclaiming how their back pain is gone, neck pain is diminishing, and they feel better than ever. One woman has even dodged a second knee replacement, and has NO pain in her knees! Another student, a musician, who’s neck and shoulder pain were so intense that she hasn’t been able to play her violin for a long time is now playing again! There is no doubt in my mind and heart that YogAlign’s time is NOW! The world needs to learn YogAlign! Michaelle’s program is for EVERYONE! I am committed to helping others to feel better, and YogAlign has made taken my life’s work to the next level. I’m forever grateful to Michaelle for re-booting my practice. I feel happier, more free and deeply contented because I’m honoring what my body was created to do rather than treating my body as a host of limits to overcome. It’s a joy to help others learn this respectful approach to self-care! I have been teaching the YogAlign techniques to small and large groups of people for many months now and the response is always extremely positive! Years of lingering pain is disappearing and people are deeply grateful!
Elizabeth Klarich, E-500 RYT YogAlign – FitAlign teacher
“I have been practicing vinyasa for the last 20 years, doing repetitive forward bends and spine flexion positions. I am athletic and pretty flexible so I was able to do the advanced poses. These, unfortunately, were putting pressure on my abdominal wall and eventually lead to the development of an inguinal hernia. It looked like surgery was inevitable, but I started practicing YogAlign and the hernia started to diminish. Within two months I was able to heal the hernia without going under the knife (surgery). Michaelle’s YogAlign practice made me wish I never studied any other types of yoga prior, it is that revolutionary!”
Zander Phelps – Ambassador of Play @ HACKiDO.org
“The blending of spinal muscle kinesiology, traditional yogic breathing and joint protection with focused positional and movement awareness advocated in the YogAlign® system places it at the forefront of the evolution of yoga practices. Michaelle Edwards diligence brings us leading-edge practices that can be used by health and fitness professionals to teach dynamic movement control while essentially eliminating the possibility of injury.”
Doug McGregor, Physical Therapist
“What I experienced with YogAlign® was the creation of more space in the fascia, and more muscle control with an increased ability to “turn muscles on and off.” YogAlign® addresses both chronically tight and shortened anterior flexors, and overstretched and weak shoulder girdle muscles, while also opening up the respiratory system and strengthening intercostal muscles and the diaphragm. It is easy to understand that if the fascia is constricted the muscles alone cannot sustain a change of posture and the ability to breathe fully.
I believe the fascia is remodeled by the relief of unhealthy stresses to new more functional stresses applied through the YogAlign® method; at the same time muscles are strengthened, stretched, and reprogrammed to sustain a more healthy, energy efficient, alignment. Healthy not only because it helps to decrease wear and tear on a misaligned skeletal structure and joints, but also by allowing more space for the vital organs to function, thereby improving blood supply and respiration.
I feel YogAlign® promotes awareness and experience of the benefit of unlearning old habits and neurological patterning, which are restrictive and ultimately destructive to one’s wellbeing. This awareness and first-hand experience leads to a new feeling of comfort and freedom in our bodies. With YogAlign® you have created a safe and accessible path to health, wellness, and longevity that will benefit many. Mahalo (Thank you) Michaelle!”
David Kahle, Physical Therapist, Orcas Island, Washington
“After my first group YogAlign® class, I feel like I just had the benefits of 10 sessions of rolfing, without the pain.”
Bob Shambron, retired Natural Foods Restauranteur
“I have been practicing YogAlign® with Michaelle for 16 months now, and have had huge improvements in my range of motion, breathing function and overall well being. I feel great, with no pain or stiffness even after playing a tough game of volleyball. My body feels fluid and it makes me laugh because I feel as though I am actually doing less now in terms of muscle effort when I exercise. When I went for my physical recently and they measured my height, the nurse did it twice thinking she had made a mistake.The nurse announced with surprise to me that I am now an inch and a quarter taller than the records show at my physical last year. At 61 years old I feel like I am growing younger and my volleyball and surfing are getting better.”
Greg Close, National Senior Men’s Division Volleyball Player and Stand-Up Paddler
“I am fast approaching my sixth decade. My profession as a pharmacist requires me to stand 8 – 10 hours a day. I would wake up stiff and go to bed exhausted. I booked a YogAlign® session with Michaelle and asked my husband of 34 years to join me. He has had scoliosis and back and neck problems his entire life. He is a bigger skeptic than I am but he agreed to try it. Well, two weeks later, after four private sessions with Michaelle, we are feeling and looking better than we have in years. We take with us a Yoga program that we can use in the office, at home, on vacation, walking the dogs, driving the car, or watching TV.
I am amazed at how easy the exercises are and how profound the results. YogAlign® is designed to create comfort and natural spine alignment while avoiding positions that could cause pain or injury. My husband and I are pleased beyond belief with our results.”
William Nations, Satellite Design Engineer and VP, Lynn Nations, Doctor of Pharmacy
“Recently I spent seven days practicing YogAlign® on Oahu at a retreat with pro-surfer Rochelle Ballard, who is a certified YogAlign® teacher. We were at her beautiful studio on the north shore of Oahu in April of 2010. I found YogAlign® at the right time. It was nice having the adjustments and I was amazed at how much my body changed in such a short amount of time. I don’t think my body has opened up that much in the 4 1/2 years of Power Yoga I had practiced previously. I work at a yoga studio that offers a lot of yoga, but YogAlign® is what I practice. It has really helped me with my injuries.”
Lonnie Butler, Santa Monica, CA
“Sheer amazement was how I felt at the end of the first YogAlign® class with Michaelle Edwards! Having pain from scoliosis, I could hardly believe how not just my back, but the whole body opened up, became aligned and was completely relaxed! Even my legs felt relaxed and energetically expanded! And yes, the pain was gone and stayed gone for three days after the first class.
Now I am going to focus on doing the breathing and poses so I can program the movements into the body by doing them daily. Having done many forms of movement, including ballet and alternative therapeutic movement, I was deeply impressed at how simple, yet extremely useful, the routine Michaelle has created truly is. This would be great for everyone including those who are aging. So five stars and high praise to Michaelle for her discovery and work, which makes it possible for people to learn a new and revolutionary way to help the body. Now people just need to discover it.”
Michele Turetzky
“While doing the reclining rest position after a wonderful YogAlign® class, I was aware of this bright light expanding inside of me. The masks and armor that I have carried most of my life for survival are being released. As the breathing strengthens my psoas and diaphragm connection, my body’s fascial lines are being reprogrammed to hold me balanced in a web. What a gift it is to access this inner light and to have the core strength to walk through life in the truth of who I am. I am deeply grateful to Michaelle for this revolutionary form of yoga and for the changes I am experiencing in all levels of my being: physical,emotional, mental and spiritual.”
Juliette LaFleur, Princeville, Kauai
“Michaelle has discovered something innovatively benefi cial in the yoga world that many teachers overlook: spine alignment. This is a crucial part of one’s being, allowing us to grow spiritually and maintain correct body posture for balance, happiness, and energy. What I discovered from studying with Michaelle is that her method—YogaAlign— is applicable to all. It not only benefits yoga practitioners, but it can also correct anybody’s body posture. Once I started to apply her method to my own asana (yoga) practice,not only have I noticed my own practice deepen, but I also found myself carrying out this method in my everyday routine, which helped to correct my standing and sitting posture. I now experience more happy states of mind and less body aches and pains.”
Anthony P. Biduck, Rolfer and Founder of Anahata Healing
“For years I suffered from low back pain and neck tension especially after a paddling session. In just one session with Michaelle and the YogAlign® method, I understood natural spine alignment and how to engage it by using my psoas muscles. Learning how to let go of unconscious tension through the PNF(proprioceptive) techniques gave me a huge awakening about how to experience yoga from within. I felt a freedom and comfort in body that I had not felt in years. I discovered how to feel more economical in my body and experience effortless effort. Michaelle has a deep understanding of alignment and breath and yet the teaching was simple and precise. I can apply the principles to all my activities and other yoga classes and I am no longer in pain or misalignment.”
Margo Turner, Mother, Triathlete, Hawaiian Canoe Paddler, and Marketing Professional.
“For the last 5 years, I have received frequent sessions of bodywork with very skilled practitioners. I suffered from migraine headaches and lower back pain. I tried many forms of therapy including deep tissue sports massage, chiropractic, osteopathic, cranial sacral, and an orthopedic physician. I would feel some relief for a few weeks and then the pain would return. After just a few weeks of working with Michaelle to align my spine with the YogAlign® method, the sciatic pain that plagued me for years was gone! It has now been about six months since I began practicing the YogAlign® method and my sciatic pain and headaches have completely disappeared.
I have attained a level of health and fitness that I have not felt since I was a child. The natural blueprint for alignment has become intrinsic in my body, and I feel alive and vibrant. I am even doing hand stands and deep back bends with no pain. As I learned to stretch with resistance and protect my joints, I was never at any time sore from the deep work. After each session I would feel highly energized and yet deeply relaxed. Michaelle is a very gifted teacher and healer and I feel grateful to her for the amazing YogAlign® system. The system is very easy to learn and I feel I have been given the tools to be my own healer.”
John Steinmann, Avocado rancher, Entrepreneur, Surfer, Cyclist, Father
“I have studied YogAlign® with Michaelle for over five years and I have attained a high level of fitness and alignment. My hammer toes have disappeared and in my 50’s I developed a waist! One of the most profound aspects of her work was the clear instruction on breathing. I was able to discover how to breathe more fully with my ribs and diaphragm. I experienced a release of buried emotions and belief patterns as well. We always have fun and her sense of humor and boundless energy made learning pure joy. Thank you Michaelle!”
Barbi Clements, Mother, Body Boarder, Hiker, Traveler, Artist
“After five weeks of YogAlign®, I cancelled my surgery. Due to a bone spur in my shoulder, I could no longer do many of the things I loved to do (swimming, gardening, putting my arm around my sweetie) without pain. I had tried intensive physical therapy, ice, ibuprofen, even cortisone injections. I was a motivated and compliant patient. But re-aligning my shoulders and the rest of my body through Michaelle’s YogAlign® techniques corrected the cause of the pain and has brought relief. I am well on my way to recovery. Thank you Michaelle! I’m a believer!”
Linda Pizzatola, Graphic Artist, Gardener, Swimmer, Counselor
“When I began YogAlign® classes with Michaelle, I suffered from plantar fasciitis, forward head carriage, and migraine headaches. My posture was stooped and my neck and shoulders were always sore from overworked muscles that were not designed to hold the weight of my head. I was starting to feel trapped in my body and it was exhausting just to be in it. In just a few classes with Michaelle, my pain and misalignment disappeared as if by magic. I had been developing core strength from my pilates classes but Michaelle helped me learn to access my core in a way I had never been shown.
My tennis game is getting better all the time and I feel relaxed and comfortable in my body. The natural blueprint for alignment I learned in the YogAlign® method is intrinsic in my body now and I don’t have to work at doing it. I have let go of my old posture and feel youthful and energized. I highly recommend her training to anyone with a spine!”
Sherry Latif, Pharmacist, Artist, Pilates Practitioner, Tennis Player, and Mother of three
“I have been waiting all my life for this. I got tremendous relief from my C7 cervical injury in just one class.”
Andrea St. Clair
“My butt has always looked flat and I have never had a lumbar curve even after I did 10 sessions of Rolfing. In my spine, my first lumbar vertebrae has been protruding as long as I can remember and I am now in my forties. To my amazement, doing YogAlign® realigned my spinal curves in one group class and the vertebrae protrusion disappeared. I love having a lumbar spinal curve and I can feel my gluteus muscles strong and activated. This is the biggest shift I have felt happen in my body since I went through puberty.”
Anne Paquin, Nia instructor, CPA
“I am an osteopathic physician and student of many types of energy healing and bodywork. The muscular and energetic releases I felt in my first YogAlign® class were the fastest and most beneficial of all healing modalities I have ever experienced.”
Jessica Bacon, DO
“After an acute trauma from jumping off of a cliff into the ocean, I was in severe back pain. Standard methods of treatments like rest, ice and ibuprofen were not touching it. Although I had never even done yoga and was nervous about trying it with an injury, Michaelle explained to me how YogAlign® is safe, comfortable and would give me relief from back pain.
I took a group YogAlign® class with Michaelle and experienced immediate relief both during the class and for several days after the yoga class. Her attention to detail and in particular how the movement of breath affects posture and spine alignment were informing and comfortable. She helped me understand both cerebrally and experientially that pain results from posture imbalances that get mapped into our brain, similar to the software programs in our computers. By rewiring the signals the brain sends out to the muscles, bad patterning can be erased and new body map “software” can be uploaded quickly and safely. My experience with YogAlign® has inspired me to incorporate it into my work as an acupuncturist and I look forward to learning more.”
Mike Osborn, MS, Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist
“Over the past 16 years, I have watched Michaelle’s practice of yoga evolve into the most beneficial yoga I have ever seen or done. I had been practicing traditional yoga postures in a way that created an injury and left me with severe neck and back pain. Since I started learning YogAlign® with Michaelle, my general posture is so much better and I breathe with ease. I had a flat thoracic spine and very tense shoulder blade muscles that were causing a lot of internal tension.
By practicing the breathing and imagery work in YogAlign® , I learned how to be in my body without the effort of trying to pull my shoulders back to stand up straight. I had suffered for a long time with chronic neck and back pain but since doing YogAlign® , my neck and back pain are virtually gone. I have realized that I need only do yoga poses that simulate how I use my body in real life. I now have posture that keeps my spine and sacral joint healthy. YogAlign® is by far the best yoga out there for a healthy spine and a pain-free existence!”
Lee Thompson, Yoga Teacher, Medical Assistant
“Three years ago I had three serious, consecutive accidents that crippled my passions as an athletic young woman and put me in so much pain that at times I could not walk. This escalated over the course of three years. I tried Pilates, chiropractors, doctors, and massage, but nothing seemed to work long term. Being a licensed massage therapist, I always emphasized to my clients the connective importance of breathing, the diaphragm, and the psoas muscle.
However, in my own self-care practice, a piece of the puzzle was missing. Michaelle’s YogAlign® method was that missing piece, as it combines the science of breathing with posture conscious Yoga poses that unwind tension in the body while building strength with flexibility. Her emphasis on “self-care health care” puts the tools for healing back into the hands of people. Through her teachings the pain in my body melted away, freeing a part of my spirit that had been locked down for years.
My experience and studies in body work allow me to understand the scientific mechanics behind YogAlign® ‘s long term effectiveness—how you can literally reprogram your brain to create new patterns of movement, quickly creating an aligned and pain-free body.” “YogAlign® is the missing link in health and wellness that has the potential to change the world—inside and out.”
Amber Crago, LMT, YogAlign® Teacher, Photographer, Chef, Musician, and Japanese Translator
“In 2008 I moved to Kauai in search of increased healing after suffering the ravages of breast cancer treatment in 2006 which included a mastectomy, TRAM flap reconstructive surgery and severe radiation scarring. The benefits I gained from Michaelle’s YogAlign® weekly classes led me to take the six-week teacher training course. During the training course I was astounded to regain full range of motion and strength in my shoulder and arm, as well as to find that pain which had plagued me since the surgeries was now drastically diminished. I feel great about myself! My desire is to teach these powerful techniques to other women recovering from breast cancer treatments and lead them along the path to increased healing, radiant health, and a full range of motion.”
Linda McSwain, RN
“In search of healing for your body and mind? Kaua’i is chock-full of massage therapists, yoga teachers and alternative healers. Unfortunately most are only mediocre lightweights geared toward undiscriminating tourists. On the North Shore, experience true rejuvenation at Michaelle Edwards’ Mana Yoga center and accommodations. At her private, rustic home studio southeast of Princeville, Edwards combines yoga, massage, and spinal alignment into YogAlign® , an effective, no nonsense therapy for folks of all levels.
While trained in traditional yoga methods, Edwards now strives to perpetuate the body’s natural alignment rather than to contort it doing strict poses. A warm, perceptive and practical instructor, she analyzes posture and breathing and provides a body “tune-up”. Accommodations available and you can arrange a personal retreat for yourself or your group. Longtime Kaua’i resident Edwards is also a professional singer and guitarist.”
Lonely Planet Hawaii Guide Fall 2007
“Michaelle Edwards is one of the finest yoga teachers I have crossed paths with in my 56 years with her expertise being posture and body alignment. I have had a mild case of scoliosis since I was a child. I remember being in discomfort since my teen years. I never had stamina and I certainly couldn’t stand up straight. My life changed when I met Michaelle. I have worked with her for 4 years and I look like a different person. My posture and core strength changed dramatically. I always wondered in my twenties if I would ever feel ease of body. Yes it is possible. I recommend Michaelle to all. I would travel around the world to study with her for body transformation.
One of the most special experiences with Michaelle is a private session. She directs you into yoga positions and massages you while you are in those positions. Your body then understands the areas you are tightening and misaligning. As she massages these areas, your body relaxes and learns the correct postures rather than following habitual patterns. Her yoga studio is in one of the most special spots on the planet. The view of the waterfalls and mountains of Kauai is staggering. The air that flows through the screened studio is magnificent. Michaelle is very giving and generous of spirit. Thanks for reading my summary of Michaelle. I hope you too will find the transformation you are seeking.”
Judy Walker, CEO/Designer, TOPS Malibu, Amazing Gifts, Party Paperie & Surprises! www.topsmalibu.com
“This year I have been working hard on healing and changing my life and my daily habits. Michaelle, your yoga has been the best style of yoga for me and certainly more healing and effective that any other style of yoga I have so far encountered – and I have tried many of them. Your emphasis on strengthening the muscles, all the muscles, especially around the joints ( in my case) has been an incredibly new and important approach for me. It seems I have been overstretching for so many years and not protecting my muscles, tendons, etc. and as a result I have been injured many times in yoga due to my lack of proper training. I thought that I was weak but did not realize that many yoga poses were actually doing me more harm than good.
When I was younger I know I felt pain and had a few injuries at that time, however, I healed and recovered – that was then – not any more. Four years ago, I did an ashtanga workshop and injured my hip pretty badly and still am attempting to heal this hip, as you know. Your yoga, Michaelle, helped more than anything – I am still amazed at how great I felt at the end of my week with you. You showed me how to decompress my hip and spine and to learn how to integrate psoas and breath work to keep space in those areas. There are not enough teachers teaching yoga with the proper warm ups and especially the the self massage techniques that you use.
I can now feel my psoas and am breathing deeper into my diaphragm and ribs than I ever thought possible. Even after all of the yoga classes I have taken nobody but you had ever really taken the time to analyze my breathing patterns and help me undo the upper shoulder breathing that was ingrained in my nervous system. You helped me understand what proprioception is and how to change it through your yoga system. You have awakened my sensory awareness and I can now feel when my spine is aligned properly without thinking about it. I was so stuck in my head and did not realize that yoga could reinforce my weaknesses and keep me stuck in the mental realm. You have helped me be the witness of my own being and I am experiencing myself in the now through feeling and sensing. All the years I have done yoga, I never felt the freedom and energy that was set free in my being by studying the YogAlign® method with you.”
Jane, age 55
I am currently a student of yoga with Michaelle Edwards. I have been practicing yoga for 36 years. I have studied many styles including Hatha, Kundalini, Bikram,and Iyengar with a wide variety of teachers. Ms. Edwards if by far and away the most accomplished teacher I have ever encountered. Her system of alignment serves as a warranty against injury. Michaelle is vigilant about the student’s self-care and consistently advises students not to undergo pain to “achieve” a pose. Her knowledge of anatomy is extensive, and she uses it in class to illustrate the practice. She moves the class along at a pace that keeps the interest. Although the yoga is rigorous, it is rarely arduous or boring.
Michaelle’s manner of teaching works well in the same class for both beginning and advanced students. She is attentive and circulates amongst students throughout the class making adjustments, and giving individual attention. Michaelle’s verbal guidance through the session is characterized by positivity and humor with a non-denominational spiritual direction. One of the unique qualities of her teaching is that she instructs her students to develop their own practice of yoga and to ultimately be their own teacher by experimenting and paying attention to the results via feeling. I would recommend her as a yoga teacher to anyone. Whether suffering from injury or the most advanced student, one could only enhance their practice from instruction by Michaelle Edwards.”
Merlin W. Ruddell, Mother, commercial real estate investor, writer, and gourmet cook
“When I first met Michaelle and started yoga with her over 6 years ago, I had been doing pilates for 3 years. I had reached a certain level of fitness in my core but was not able to feel much flexibility in my spine or hips and I still suffered from various health problems. I had been to some yoga classes but never really understood the concept of it or felt like I wanted to continue. When I began private instruction with Michaelle, she clearly explained to me what I should be trying to achieve in each pose. She taught me pranayama breathing, asanas, and meditation. Her adjustments were gentle yet effective and I have never felt sore or experienced any pain or injuries from her yoga teaching. She has her own method of teaching that is unique which she calls YogAlign® .
In YogAlign®, I learned how to get flexible by working with the science of stretching as opposed to trying to stretch and fight the innate stretch reflexes. Her mastery of teaching is amazing as in just a few weeks I went from not being able to touch my toes to being able to do the full split with one block. I had never even heard of my psoas muscles. She explained to me how to relax and then actively engage my psoas muscles and I had hip flexibility almost instantly. I have played soccer for years and although I was very strong, I was also very tight especially after a game of soccer. Her knowledge of retraining the neuromuscular patterning in my pelvic floor was another key to releasing my hips. She explained how to work with the natural alignment principles that keep the spine in its natural curves in all poses. I used to have forward head carriage that made my shoulders and neck sore and I had frequent neck aches.
With her teachings, I now have effortless posture and I feel and look much younger than my 54 years. I had issues with vertigo in my life that had always been very disturbing and the notion of going upside down filled me with dread. I have been able to overcome the symptoms of vertigo and I now regularly practice handstands and full backbends without fear or pain. I have dropped the 10 pounds I had tried to lose for years. I am rarely troubled by the nose and throat allergies I have had my whole life. Michaelle has taught me about the benefits of a vegetarian yoga diet and I consume very little alcohol preferring to meditate or take walks in nature. In conclusion, in terms of my overall health, since working with Michaelle my health and well-being are as good as I can ever remember it.”
Simon Potts, former Capitol Records Executive and guest house owner in Hanalei, Hawaii
“I have a been a dentist for 27 years and the yoga teaching from Michaelle has helped me in the last few years because I am able to incorporate the teachings into my daily life and functional movements. Back pain and tension in the neck and shoulders is common in dentists and I do not have any symptoms that most suffer from. I stay in natural alignment when I work and I am able to use what she calls “effortless effort” where I only engage the muscles needed for the task. When I started yoga with Michaelle, I never even dreamed I would ever be able to stand on my hands and have the confidence to do it. My upper body was quite weak and I never really felt strong in my shoulders. Under her guidance, I am now able to stand on my hands and balance and I feel connected to my entire body. I was a very shallow breather and I have learned to breathe in a way that has benefited my entire body. Conscious breathing has helped me be more in touch with myself and my patients.
In my work, I travel frequently to the mainland and South America and my immune system is very strong from the breath and the lymphatic flow created by the yoga and I rarely become ill. My level of endurance and muscle tone has increased significantly and I even paddled for 7 hours on the Na Pali Coast in a kayak and I was not even sore. I was able to use natural alignment positions from Michaelle’s teaching and I was able to paddle with very little effort. I have recommended her to many of my dental patients and I highly recommend her to anyone at any age as a teacher. She is knowledgeable in yoga asana, pranayama, meditation, and anatomy. She speaks clearly and concisely and is always attentive to me as a student. She is passionate when she teaches yoga and yet she is gentle with adjustments and focused with her instruction.
I am now almost 60 and many of friends and clients are feeling the aging process slowing them down and causing aches, pains and many other conditions which affect quality of life. I must say I feel much younger than my years. My energy level is high, I have good muscle tone, clear mental processes and balanced emotions. Michaelle Edwards is a very gifted yoga teacher and I feel immense gratitude for her teachings.”
Ileana Carreno, DDS, Kilauea, Hawaii
“Michaelle has been my yoga teacher since 1994. I had never done any yoga previously. I was completely disconnected from my body. My son was three. I had gained about 100 pounds during pregnancy and I had only lost about 20. I am 5’1” tall and I weighed 220 pounds when I went to my first yoga class with Michaelle. I was very insecure and embarrassed. Every pose was very difficult for me. I could barely hug my knees to my chest, and even mountain pose was difficult. I just didn’t like paying attention to my body. It felt like someone else’s body.
Michaelle’s energy, her love of yoga, her confidence that I could do a little more encouraged me. I did not feel judged. I felt safe. After that first class, I realized how detached from myself I had become. I have since begun my own home practice, at least four days a week for the last year. I still attend classes whenever I can. I am still not “thin”, 165 pounds, but I am very in tune with my body, I am stronger and more confident than I have ever been in my life. Yoga has also brought more spirituality and peace in my life.”
Laura Christine, Mother, computer tech and web designer, bass player